Monday, February 2, 2009

Brock and Bentley

So while going through all the pictures I came upon these two that just were TOO adorable not to post. Little Bentley (and Jr.) loved playing with their Uncle Brock! He is going to be a GREAT DADDY but I really think that Brightyn is going to have him completely wrapped around her finger...what do you think?!

Meeting the family for the FIRST TIME!!!!!!

Great great Grandma Webb! ( A 5 generation picture)

How lucky are we to have a 5 generation picture of my favorite people. Josh Jr. loved his great great grandma...and of course his great grandma!!! As you can tell he was loved to pieces by ALL the grandma's!!!! Thanks Lynette for taking the pics.

Christmas with the Wilson's!!


I don't think I like Bonus Grandpa!!!!

Is it a BONUS Grandma?

That was FUN can we do it again?