Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I Love You Daddy!

I wish I was really able to articulate my feelings...bottom line...Daddy, I MISS YOU!!!! Today has been 22 years since you were taken away from us...I CAN'T believe it! Somedays I miss you so much it hurts. I still find myself even now thinking I have to call Dad and tell him the great news: graduations, weddings, grand-babies, and especially when BOTH Brandon and Brock became pilots. I wish so much that my children could had gotten the opportunity to have to know you. I use to be angry at God for taking you away from us so early in our lives! You were always my Hero did you know that Daddy?!!! Not only was I Daddy's Little Girl, but so were Lynette and Bridgett. I feel very strongly that you brought LaVar into our family, he has been a wonderful father to us and an AMAZING grandpa! All the grandkids love him SO MUCH! However, I still feel cheated that they never really got to know YOU!! You would have loved them all so much and probably SPOILED them all rotten...but we would have forgiven YOU! I know that you are playing with your little Brightyn right now preparing her for her life here on earth. I have NO doubts that you are watching over all of us because you always seem to know when I REALLY need you or just need a special pick me up. When I really need you or am feeling extremely low somehow you just know and are there..thats when you send me my special gift. I find a penny from HIM in the craziest places!!!!! I call them my Pennies from Heaven. I don't know how you do it but PLEASE don't ever stop!!!! They give me that extra little boost I need to see me through. I see so much of you in all my children. Their sense of humor, love for life, compassion, love of flying!, I could go on and on. Even little Josh and Bentley occasionally have your crooked smile and my heart melts because it looks like YOU! Dad I just wanted you to know what an impact you had on my life. I hope that you are proud of me and what I have done with my life. I see your great- grandchildren and know how proud you would have been of them and their parents. Dad, I love you...You are in my heart at all times. I hope that I have made my life what you would have wanted for me. No matter how many years may pass, you will never be far from my heart!!!